Dark-Eyed Juncos and House Sparrows

Dark-Eyed Juncos and House Sparrows

My mom maintains a number of bird feeders, which attract the local wildlife. We get a lot of squirrels, but also a lot of dark-eyed juncos and house sparrows. The…

Christmas Illuminations Tour for Somerville Journal

Sometimes photojournalism is serious. Sometimes it's scary. Sometimes it's boring. Occasionally, it's driving around Somerville taking pictures of the best Christmas lights. The Illuminations Tour is an annual event put…

Kelly’s Graduation Portraits

Here's another from the archives: some solo and family portraits I did for Kelly, one of the former captains of Spirit of the Creative, when we were both graduating from…

Photo Essay: LGBTattoo

LGBTattoo: Connecting to community and identity through body art I did this semester-long project for Gary Knight's class Advanced Documentary Practice, the second half of PNDP, during my last spring…

Travel: Summer Martha’s Vineyard Trip

Three photo-a-days in one: my trip to Martha's Vineyard with Casey and Jason! We stayed in Casey's grandparents' lodge, had a very belated birthday dinner for Casey, saw a movie,…