COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Photos, Week 7

COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Photos, Week 7

Well, here we are again. This week I cooked some barely edible food, ordered $120 of model-making supplies online, felt painfully tired and unmotivated, had some delightful and affirming phone/video…

Non-Obvious Megatrends for Rohit Bhargava

Rohit Bhargava, the author of bestselling business book Non-Obvious Megatrends, hired me to take some photos showing the book at Hotel Commonwealth in downtown Boston. Non-Obvious Megatrends was part of…

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Last June I went to San Juan on a stipend from VII Photo Agency to do a documentary photography project about disability in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane…

Senior Portraits: Christina

I shot some grad portraits for Christina to send home to family. We were going for a sort of "look, I'm so smart I'm graduating" vibe, so we went down…