COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Photos, Week 7

COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Photos, Week 7

Well, here we are again. This week I cooked some barely edible food, ordered $120 of model-making supplies online, felt painfully tired and unmotivated, had some delightful and affirming phone/video calls with friends, and spent much more time than I care to admit arranging mirrors in my room to bounce sunlight around. I feel so lucky that to my knowledge almost no one I know has gotten sick yet, especially since Massachusetts is getting close to 80,000 total cases.  Let’s hope it stays that way.

A straggler during the alphabetization process.
I finally hung up the mirror I refurbished at the beginning of quarantine. Here it is next to a copy of Matisse’s ‘Dance’ I did for a class in college.
A fake plant I recently moved to my window sash.
The view during my Saturday Scream.
Light on my ceiling from one of my mirrors.
A disco ball and prism on a mirror.
Here you can see the full effect of the mirror-disco ball-prism combo, and also how alarmingly cracked and stained my ceiling is.