PNDP – Everett

PNDP – Everett

This semester I'm taking Program for Narrative and Documentary Practice, a photography + writing class. Everyone in the class shoots in "Wonderland," an area the teacher delineates as anywhere north…

Photo a Day: Neighborhood

Some neighbors a little down the street from us have an enormous collection of inflatable lawn decorations. Every Sunday during football season, they inflate this Patriots player, but the rest…

Photo a Day: Texture at IARYD

My senior honors thesis class, for a reason neither the students nor the professor can fathom, is in the building that houses the Tufts Institute for Applied Research in Youth…

Photo a Day: Sod at SciTech

Tufts was still putting the finishing touches on its newest building, the Science and Technology Center, when classes started this fall. Here's my photo of the day: some rolled sod…

Photo a Day: Santouka Ramen

I'd never had real (read: not instant) ramen before, so my old friend Ellie and I went to Santouka Ramen in Harvard Square so I could try it. 10/10, would…

Hillel Bagel Brunch

Another event I photographed during 2017 first-year orientation: the Tufts Hillel Bagel Brunch. In addition to bagels, the event featured a staggering number of acapella groups, far more than pictured…

TTII Production of [Title of Show]

Tufts Torn Ticket II (the musical theater subset of 3Ps) put on "[title of show]", an extremely meta musical, for first-year orientation. I shot the dress rehearsal. It got pretty…

3Ps Production of Stop Kiss

3Ps (it stands for Pen Paint & Pretzels), Tufts' student-run theater group, put on a production of "Stop Kiss" for first-year orientation. I've been doing most of Tufts' student theater…

Tufts First-Year Food Fair

Most Tufts students only get to go to the  First-Year Food Fair once. This was my third. Shooting for Tufts Dining has some major perks. I'm never quite happy with…