Icons of Arlington: Fido Fest

A warm summer night on Spy Pond Field. A pink sunset. Popcorn. Bubbles. Lots and lots of dogs. And lots and lots of dog videos on the big screen. It…

Somerville Independence Day Fireworks

I covered the annual Independence Day fireworks at Trum Field for the Somerville Journal last night. The evening was chaotic, and I'm not exactly proud of the United States right…

Housemate Grad Photos

Last year, one of my old college suitemates reached out to ask me to take some group/family type portraits for her. She and her friends were graduating and going their…

Icons of Arlington: Porchfest

I've lived in Arlington for years, yet somehow have never been to Arlington Porchfest. I finally went. It's pretty nice. More photos and a write-up on Icons of Arlington.