A 6" tall vertical abstract relief painting. It is mostly yellow. A lump of paper clay, partly painted red, bulges from the bottom. An empty tube of Super Glue is stuck to the top right corner.

ArtsWorcester Annual One

This painting, “Trash Painting #3”, went up at ArtsWorcester for their show Eleventh Annual One last month. I'm pleased to say that someone bought it! A bit about the painting:…

The return / black and white

It's been a while! I haven't really been shooting professionally since I got a full-time job in 2020. After a second spinal surgery about a year ago, I haven't been…

Promo Photos for Home Despot

Here's another from the archive: these promotional portraits of Sophia for their band Home Despot. This was a fun shoot! We went to Kelly's Diner, a Ball Square staple, and…

3Ps Production of “Red”

Here's another play I photographed for Pen, Paint, and Pretzels. You can see some other plays I photographed for them here. "Red," a play about Mark Rothko which only has…

Photo a day: ACMi standup comedy night

One of my fellow interns, Erica, planned and executed a standup comedy show in the studio at ACMi. Here are some pictures I took during the setup. Tragically, I didn't…

Photo a Day: Bike Path

Just past this graffiti, they've been building a retaining wall all summer. When I passed it on the last day of my internship recently, the wall was done and a…