Photo a Day: Texture at IARYD

Photo a Day: Texture at IARYD

My senior honors thesis class, for a reason neither the students nor the professor can fathom, is in the building that houses the Tufts Institute for Applied Research in Youth…
Photo a Day: Sod at SciTech

Photo a Day: Sod at SciTech

Tufts was still putting the finishing touches on its newest building, the Science and Technology Center, when classes started this fall. Here's my photo of the day: some rolled sod…
Photo a Day: Santouka Ramen

Photo a Day: Santouka Ramen

I'd never had real (read: not instant) ramen before, so my old friend Ellie and I went to Santouka Ramen in Harvard Square so I could try it. 10/10, would…
Photo a Day: Apartment

Photo a Day: Apartment

I've been living with Casey and some friends in the same apartment for a year and a half now. It's changed a lot since we moved in, but I've reached…