Dark-Eyed Juncos and House Sparrows

My mom maintains a number of bird feeders, which attract the local wildlife. We get a lot of squirrels, but also a lot of dark-eyed juncos and house sparrows. The…

Kelly’s Diner

Here's a throwback from last year: Casey and I went to Kelly's Diner in Ball Square, and I'd just gotten a 24-70 and was excited to take some wide-angle shots…

Tufts Spring Illumination Ceremony 2018

Tufts has a tradition called the illumination ceremony. Everyone gets an unlit candle, one chosen person lights theirs and touches candles with another person, and that person passes the flame…

What I learned from spending 3 months in bed

It's disheartening to fully apprehend just how alone you are in your body, how alone you are in your head. You already know you’re alone, but you don't really believe it until you experience it in such an extreme way.

PNDP Final Project: Hair

The end of Program for Narrative and Documentary Practice last semester culminated in a multi-week project about a subject of our choice. I chose hair, and started calling at barber…