Dark-Eyed Juncos and House Sparrows

Dark-Eyed Juncos and House Sparrows

My mom maintains a number of bird feeders, which attract the local wildlife. We get a lot of squirrels, but also a lot of dark-eyed juncos and house sparrows. The…

Christmas Illuminations Tour for Somerville Journal

Sometimes photojournalism is serious. Sometimes it's scary. Sometimes it's boring. Occasionally, it's driving around Somerville taking pictures of the best Christmas lights. The Illuminations Tour is an annual event put…

Icons of Arlington: Farmers’ Market

The farmers' market is the place to be in Arlington this summer. I checked out some produce and met Patsy Kraemer, the woman behind the operation. Read about it on…

Icons of Arlington: Crusher Lot

After a little break I'm back with a new post for Icons of Arlington! I was homeschooled, so I've actually never set foot in Ottoson, but I've spent some time…

PNDP: Lynn

Here’s the second part of the abandoned first draft of my PNDP final project. I was going to look at economic inequality by comparing Manchester-by-the-Sea, the wealthiest town in the…

PNDP: Manchester-by-the-Sea

Here's part of the abandoned first draft of my PNDP final project. I was going to look at economic inequality by comparing Manchester-by-the-Sea, the wealthiest town in the North Shore,…