Icons of Arlington: War Memorials

Icons of Arlington: War Memorials

Arlington is all about placing large carved stones around to commemorate various events and people, mostly related to war. The majority of them are for the Revolutionary War, but the…

Icons of Arlington

I've started a documentary photography project about my hometown. (Okay, it's just a glamorized blog, but whatever.) I just uploaded the first post. Take a look if you'd like. The…

Tufts Dining Breakfast for Dinner

I'm nearly a year behind on my photo queue -- these are from April 18, 2018. Breakfast for Dinner was always one of my favorite Tufts Dining events to shoot.…

Photo a Day: Fifties Diner

Past midnight on a long, exhausted drive back from Central MA after a shoot for my LGBTQ+ tattoo photo essay, I stopped at the Fifties Diner in Chicopee.

Photo a Day: Charles River

I ought to stop titling these posts Photo a Day, since I'm certainly not taking at least one photo per day right now. Oh well. here's a picture I took…

PNDP: Lynn

Here’s the second part of the abandoned first draft of my PNDP final project. I was going to look at economic inequality by comparing Manchester-by-the-Sea, the wealthiest town in the…

PNDP: Manchester-by-the-Sea

Here's part of the abandoned first draft of my PNDP final project. I was going to look at economic inequality by comparing Manchester-by-the-Sea, the wealthiest town in the North Shore,…