Kelly’s Diner

Here's a throwback from last year: Casey and I went to Kelly's Diner in Ball Square, and I'd just gotten a 24-70 and was excited to take some wide-angle shots…

Somerville Independence Day Fireworks

I covered the annual Independence Day fireworks at Trum Field for the Somerville Journal last night. The evening was chaotic, and I'm not exactly proud of the United States right…

Icons of Arlington: Farmers’ Market

The farmers' market is the place to be in Arlington this summer. I checked out some produce and met Patsy Kraemer, the woman behind the operation. Read about it on…

Icons of Arlington: Porchfest

I've lived in Arlington for years, yet somehow have never been to Arlington Porchfest. I finally went. It's pretty nice. More photos and a write-up on Icons of Arlington.

Icons of Arlington: Little Fox Shop

11 years ago, two women opened a nonprofit resale shop in the Fox branch of the Arlington Library. After an unexpected closure last summer, they re-opened it last week. Read…