I met up with Amanda to take some photos for her website and upcoming album. You can hear some of her music on her Soundcloud.

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Event: Arlington International Film Festival 2017
This was my second year in a row shooting the Arlington International Film Festival. This year there was a reception for “The Typewriter Repairman” in Cambridge Typewriter, the store in which the documentary was shot.

Hype Mimes
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Photo a Day: Egg
Sometimes, accidents happen.

Tufts Science and Engineering Complex
Tufts finished building its new Science and Engineering Complex last year. The Daily wanted pictures of it for the 2018 commencement issue. Here they are. You can tell it was just as dismal outside then as it is today.

Icons of Arlington: Crusher Lot
After a little break I’m back with a new post for Icons of Arlington! I was homeschooled, so I’ve actually never set foot in Ottoson, but I’ve spent some time in these woods and it sounds like a whole lot of other people have too. An interesting little place.