Promo Photos for Home Despot

Promo Photos for Home Despot

Here's another from the archive: these promotional portraits of Sophia for their band Home Despot. This was a fun shoot! We went to Kelly's Diner, a Ball Square staple, and…

More from the archive: SoC Fall Show 2018

Hashtag throwback Thursday, I guess? I'm so behind on sharing older work, but I still want to share it. There's some good stuff in there! Surprisingly, this isn't the last SoC…

Sarabande Fall Show 2018

Another from the archive -- Sarabande's fall 2018 show. I shot that show a few months after I had back surgery and was still pretty early in my recovery. I…

Group Grad Portraits

Here's another from the archive: Cassidy, Haley, and Alex's group senior portrait shoot. They're a trio of friends who also went to Tufts, and they wanted some grad photos to…

Tufts Campus

Here are some sunset campus stock photos I took for the Daily last year before I graduated. Maybe you recognize where these were taken.

Tufts Spring Illumination Ceremony 2018

Tufts has a tradition called the illumination ceremony. Everyone gets an unlit candle, one chosen person lights theirs and touches candles with another person, and that person passes the flame…

Kelly’s Graduation Portraits

Here's another from the archives: some solo and family portraits I did for Kelly, one of the former captains of Spirit of the Creative, when we were both graduating from…

Tufts Science and Engineering Complex

Tufts finished building its new Science and Engineering Complex last year. The Daily wanted pictures of it for the 2018 commencement issue. Here they are. You can tell it was…

Matt and Conor

Around this time last year, the Daily was gearing up for its commencement issue. Here's a photo I took for that, of Conor Coleman and Matt Zinner, two soccer players…