Promo Photos: Merchant of Venice

Promo Photos: Merchant of Venice

Yet more archive photos: promo pics for a Tufts production of The Merchant of Venice. These are up there in terms of weirdest headshots I've done. I guess that just…

Portraits: Torn Ticket II Assassins Promo

Here's another from the archive: promotional profile pics for Torn Ticket II's production of the musical Assassins in March 2018. We were going for varying shades of 'deranged' with these,…

3Ps Production of “Red”

Here's another play I photographed for Pen, Paint, and Pretzels. You can see some other plays I photographed for them here. "Red," a play about Mark Rothko which only has…

Torn Ticket II Production: Pippin

I've shot some performances for Torn Ticket II before. I knew a little about this show from the promo shoot. But I was not expecting it to be this weird.

3Ps Production of The Hungry Woman

This past semester, I shot the dress rehearsal of 3Ps' production of The Hungry Woman, a play based on Aztec religion, Medea and La Llorona. Here's a selection of images…

TTII Production of [Title of Show]

Tufts Torn Ticket II (the musical theater subset of 3Ps) put on "[title of show]", an extremely meta musical, for first-year orientation. I shot the dress rehearsal. It got pretty…

3Ps Production of Stop Kiss

3Ps (it stands for Pen Paint & Pretzels), Tufts' student-run theater group, put on a production of "Stop Kiss" for first-year orientation. I've been doing most of Tufts' student theater…