Tufts Science and Engineering Complex

Tufts Science and Engineering Complex

Tufts finished building its new Science and Engineering Complex last year. The Daily wanted pictures of it for the 2018 commencement issue. Here they are. You can tell it was just as dismal outside then as it is today.

Hype Mimes

Hype Mimes

Here’s another show from last year, in a performance style I had never imagined myself photographing: pantomime. Yes, Tufts has a mime troupe, and they booked me to photograph their spring 2018 show. Here’s what I witnessed.

Tufts Dining Breakfast for Dinner

Tufts Dining Breakfast for Dinner

I’m nearly a year behind on my photo queue — these are from April 18, 2018. Breakfast for Dinner was always one of my favorite Tufts Dining events to shoot. Those crepes are great!