Matt and Conor

Around this time last year, the Daily was gearing up for its commencement issue. Here's a photo I took for that, of Conor Coleman and Matt Zinner, two soccer players…

Sports: Tufts Women’s Basketball

I have so few shots from this Tufts-Babson game because, get this, there were three other Daily photographers there, two of whom were there to get trained on sports photography.…

PNDP – Sports II

Here’s PNDP assignment #6: go to another game by the same team as the previous assignment, and shoot away from the action. The writing assignment was a poem made out…

PNDP – Sports

Here’s PNDP assignment #5: to go to a Wonderland youth sports game and try to tell the story of it through photos. Also, to write a poem about it. I…

Photo a Day: Neighborhood

Some neighbors a little down the street from us have an enormous collection of inflatable lawn decorations. Every Sunday during football season, they inflate this Patriots player, but the rest…