Promo Photos for Home Despot

Promo Photos for Home Despot

Here's another from the archive: these promotional portraits of Sophia for their band Home Despot. This was a fun shoot! We went to Kelly's Diner, a Ball Square staple, and…

More from the archive: SoC Fall Show 2018

Hashtag throwback Thursday, I guess? I'm so behind on sharing older work, but I still want to share it. There's some good stuff in there! Surprisingly, this isn't the last SoC…

Christmas Illuminations Tour for Somerville Journal

Sometimes photojournalism is serious. Sometimes it's scary. Sometimes it's boring. Occasionally, it's driving around Somerville taking pictures of the best Christmas lights. The Illuminations Tour is an annual event put…

Marshmallow Fluff Festival

Last week I shot Somerville's annual marshmallow fluff festival, "What the Fluff," for the Somerville Journal. See all the photos on their site at WickedLocal.

Kelly’s Diner

Here's a throwback from last year: Casey and I went to Kelly's Diner in Ball Square, and I'd just gotten a 24-70 and was excited to take some wide-angle shots…

Tufts Campus

Here are some sunset campus stock photos I took for the Daily last year before I graduated. Maybe you recognize where these were taken.

Somerville Independence Day Fireworks

I covered the annual Independence Day fireworks at Trum Field for the Somerville Journal last night. The evening was chaotic, and I'm not exactly proud of the United States right…

Tufts Spring Illumination Ceremony 2018

Tufts has a tradition called the illumination ceremony. Everyone gets an unlit candle, one chosen person lights theirs and touches candles with another person, and that person passes the flame…