Icons of Arlington: Little Fox Shop

11 years ago, two women opened a nonprofit resale shop in the Fox branch of the Arlington Library. After an unexpected closure last summer, they re-opened it last week. Read…

Matt and Conor

Around this time last year, the Daily was gearing up for its commencement issue. Here's a photo I took for that, of Conor Coleman and Matt Zinner, two soccer players…

Arlington Center

I have a new post up for my project Icons of Arlington, this time all about Arlington Center. Check it out if you want to know how unspeakably thrilling my…

Living Independently After Maria

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 15.3% of Puerto Rico residents under 65 have a disability, a rate higher than anywhere on the mainland. About a third of those people,…

Photo Essay: LGBTattoo

LGBTattoo: Connecting to community and identity through body art I did this semester-long project for Gary Knight's class Advanced Documentary Practice, the second half of PNDP, during my last spring…

Article: Accessibility at Tufts

After being a staff photographer at the Tufts Daily for four years, I finally wrote an article. It's about a topic I'm close to, namely physical accessibility on the Medford/Somerville…