Icons of Arlington: Little Fox Shop

11 years ago, two women opened a nonprofit resale shop in the Fox branch of the Arlington Library. After an unexpected closure last summer, they re-opened it last week. Read about what happened in my latest post on Icons of Arlington.

Matt and Conor

Around this time last year, the Daily was gearing up for its commencement issue. Here’s a photo I took for that, of Conor Coleman and Matt Zinner, two soccer players who were both in the same graduating class I was. There’s something I really like about a wide-angle lens for sportraits, though I’m not sure…

Icons of Arlington: War Memorials

Arlington is all about placing large carved stones around to commemorate various events and people, mostly related to war. The majority of them are for the Revolutionary War, but the big column in this picture is in honor of Union soldiers from Arlington who fought in the American Civil War. I wrote about this memorial,…

Arlington Center

I have a new post up for my project Icons of Arlington, this time all about Arlington Center. Check it out if you want to know how unspeakably thrilling my hometown is.

Icons of Arlington: Old Burying Ground

I’ve posted a new update to Icons of Arlington. This one’s about the cemetery behind the UU church in Arlington Center, the Old Burying Ground. And it is old: almost 300 years. Read the whole post and see 8 more photos on the Icons of Arlington website.

Femme Show 2018

Here are some shots from last year’s Femme Show, “More is More.” The Femme Show is always a blast to photograph: by turns fun, raunchy, and thought-provoking. Sadly, I won’t be there this year, but you should get tickets if you’re going to be in the Boston area at the end of May!


Icons of Arlington

I’ve started a documentary photography project about my hometown. (Okay, it’s just a glamorized blog, but whatever.) I just uploaded the first post. Take a look if you’d like. The history and culture of Arlington is a niche topic, but I hope I can make it visually interesting enough that anyone can enjoy it.

Tufts Dining Breakfast for Dinner

I’m nearly a year behind on my photo queue — these are from April 18, 2018. Breakfast for Dinner was always one of my favorite Tufts Dining events to shoot. Those crepes are great!

Promo Photos: Merchant of Venice

Yet more archive photos: promo pics for a Tufts production of The Merchant of Venice. These are up there in terms of weirdest headshots I’ve done. I guess that just means I haven’t done enough theater photography yet!

UFCW Local 1445 Stop and Shop Union Rally

The United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1445 and Massachusetts Jobs for Justice held a rally at the Stop and Shop on McGrath Highway in Somerville today in support of Stop and Shop workers. At least 75 people came to march in the fire lane at the supermarket and sing chants supporting workers and denigrating…