Photo a Day: Charles River

I ought to stop titling these posts Photo a Day, since I'm certainly not taking at least one photo per day right now. Oh well. here's a picture I took…

Photo a Day: Baking at Lilli’s

Did we have a great time baking at Lilli's? Yes. Did I get a single picture of Lilli that I can put on the public, front-facing Internet? No, of course…

Photo a Day: Dream Cake

This post isn't called "dream cake" because it's my favorite cake -- it's called that because I had a dream in which I ate almond-pistachio cake and I was so…

Photo a Day: Laundry Mat

The woman who runs this laundromat recognizes everyone who comes in. We don't know each other at all, but she pays so much attention that she gave me a sock…

Photo a Day: Border Cafe

This picture requires no explanation. If you enjoy Tex-Mex, want to eat large amounts of cheese, and are going to be in the Cambridge, MA area, please go to Border…

Photo a Day: Neighborhood

Some neighbors a little down the street from us have an enormous collection of inflatable lawn decorations. Every Sunday during football season, they inflate this Patriots player, but the rest…