Performance: Torn Ticket II’s Assassins

Performance: Torn Ticket II’s Assassins

Content warning: stylized images of guns and execution by electric chair. More from the archive: here are my photos of the dress rehearsal of Tufts Torn Ticket II’s production of Assassins. You can see some of the promotional headshots I did for the show here. I loved the lighting design they chose for this show!

Torn Ticket II Production: Pippin

Torn Ticket II Production: Pippin

I’ve shot some performances for Torn Ticket II before. I knew a little about this show from the promo shoot. But I was not expecting it to be this weird.

TTII Production of [Title of Show]

TTII Production of [Title of Show]

Tufts Torn Ticket II (the musical theater subset of 3Ps) put on “[title of show]”, an extremely meta musical, for first-year orientation. I shot the dress rehearsal. It got pretty silly.