Christmas Illuminations Tour for Somerville Journal

Christmas Illuminations Tour for Somerville Journal

Sometimes photojournalism is serious. Sometimes it's scary. Sometimes it's boring. Occasionally, it's driving around Somerville taking pictures of the best Christmas lights. The Illuminations Tour is an annual event put…

Icons of Arlington: Town Day

I covered Arlington's annual Town Day for Icons of Arlington. It was just as colorful as I remembered it being when I was a kid. See all the photos here.

Icons of Arlington: Little Fox Shop

11 years ago, two women opened a nonprofit resale shop in the Fox branch of the Arlington Library. After an unexpected closure last summer, they re-opened it last week. Read…

PNDP – Sports II

Here’s PNDP assignment #6: go to another game by the same team as the previous assignment, and shoot away from the action. The writing assignment was a poem made out…