WBUR Winternship

WBUR Winternship

Over winter break, I spent a week at WBUR interviewing and shadowing different people at the station. Here are some photos behind the scenes at On Point with Ray Suarez.

Photo a Day: Last Day at ACMi

For the last day of my summer internship at ACMi, we replicated a scene from Back to the Future for a crowdsourced remake of that movie.

ACMi Fidofest Dog Film Festival 2017

Earlier this year, ACMi and A-DOG (Arlington Dog Owners Group) put on Arlington's first ever dog film festival. I helped edit together the submissions and staffed the festival, which they…

Photo a day: ACMi standup comedy night

One of my fellow interns, Erica, planned and executed a standup comedy show in the studio at ACMi. Here are some pictures I took during the setup. Tragically, I didn't…