Icons of Arlington: Menotomy Rocks Park

Icons of Arlington: Menotomy Rocks Park

My newest post on Icons of Arlington is about Menotomy Rocks Park, a park I spent a lot of time in as a kid. I learned a lot about the park’s history, both ancient geologic and recent community history, while I was researching for this one. Content warning for non-graphic discussion of suicide in the…

Icons of Arlington: Old Burying Ground

Icons of Arlington: Old Burying Ground

I’ve posted a new update to Icons of Arlington. This one’s about the cemetery behind the UU church in Arlington Center, the Old Burying Ground. And it is old: almost 300 years. Read the whole post and see 8 more photos on the Icons of Arlington website.

Icons of Arlington

Icons of Arlington

I’ve started a documentary photography project about my hometown. (Okay, it’s just a glamorized blog, but whatever.) I just uploaded the first post. Take a look if you’d like. The history and culture of Arlington is a niche topic, but I hope I can make it visually interesting enough that anyone can enjoy it.

Performance: Torn Ticket II’s Assassins

Performance: Torn Ticket II’s Assassins

Content warning: stylized images of guns and execution by electric chair. More from the archive: here are my photos of the dress rehearsal of Tufts Torn Ticket II’s production of Assassins. You can see some of the promotional headshots I did for the show here. I loved the lighting design they chose for this show!