Group Grad Portraits

Group Grad Portraits

Here's another from the archive: Cassidy, Haley, and Alex's group senior portrait shoot. They're a trio of friends who also went to Tufts, and they wanted some grad photos to…

Photo a Day: Baking at Lilli’s

Did we have a great time baking at Lilli's? Yes. Did I get a single picture of Lilli that I can put on the public, front-facing Internet? No, of course…

Photo a Day: Last Day at ACMi

For the last day of my summer internship at ACMi, we replicated a scene from Back to the Future for a crowdsourced remake of that movie.

On location: Mega-X, Auburn NH

Around this time last month, I was working on production design for a short film my friend Ben Hosking was directing. He, the DP, the UPM, and I drove up…

Travel: Summer Martha’s Vineyard Trip

Three photo-a-days in one: my trip to Martha's Vineyard with Casey and Jason! We stayed in Casey's grandparents' lodge, had a very belated birthday dinner for Casey, saw a movie,…

Summer Barbecue

Some college friends invited me to a get-together for watermelon and grillin'.

Kayden’s Birthday

One of my housemates turned 21 this past month, so he brought some friends out for dinner and drinks at Charlie's Kitchen. It was nice to just shoot casually instead…