Icons of Arlington: Fido Fest

Icons of Arlington: Fido Fest

A warm summer night on Spy Pond Field. A pink sunset. Popcorn. Bubbles. Lots and lots of dogs. And lots and lots of dog videos on the big screen. It can only be Fido Fest. I unintentionally took a month off from Icons of Arlington, but now I’m back, with many dog pictures. People like…

Event: Arlington International Film Festival 2017

Event: Arlington International Film Festival 2017

This was my second year in a row shooting the Arlington International Film Festival. This year there was a reception for “The Typewriter Repairman” in Cambridge Typewriter, the store in which the documentary was shot.

Event: Environmental Film Festival VIP Reception and “Wasted!” Documentary Screening

Event: Environmental Film Festival VIP Reception and “Wasted!” Documentary Screening

The DC-based Environmental Film Festival (peep their cute logo!) had a Boston satellite screening of Anthony Bourdain’s documentary “Wasted! The Story of Food Waste” at the Kendall Landmark Theater and a VIP reception at the Dante Aligheri Society, and I had the privilege of photographing the reception, audience, and after-screening panel discussion. Don’t worry, the…

ACMi Fidofest Dog Film Festival 2017

ACMi Fidofest Dog Film Festival 2017

Earlier this year, ACMi and A-DOG (Arlington Dog Owners Group) put on Arlington’s first ever dog film festival. I helped edit together the submissions and staffed the festival, which they held outdoors on a lovely summer night at a field by the Boys and Girls Club.