Hype Mimes

Hype Mimes

Here's another show from last year, in a performance style I had never imagined myself photographing: pantomime. Yes, Tufts has a mime troupe, and they booked me to photograph their…

Sew-cial Activism Costume Photos

Here's something different: costumes. Last semester, the Tufts Drama and Dance Department offered a class called "Sew-cial Activism," where students studied costuming as a form of political statement and made…

Torn Ticket II Production: Pippin

I've shot some performances for Torn Ticket II before. I knew a little about this show from the promo shoot. But I was not expecting it to be this weird.

3Ps Production of The Hungry Woman

This past semester, I shot the dress rehearsal of 3Ps' production of The Hungry Woman, a play based on Aztec religion, Medea and La Llorona. Here's a selection of images…