Icons of Arlington: War Memorials

Icons of Arlington: War Memorials

Arlington is all about placing large carved stones around to commemorate various events and people, mostly related to war. The majority of them are for the Revolutionary War, but the…

Arlington Center

I have a new post up for my project Icons of Arlington, this time all about Arlington Center. Check it out if you want to know how unspeakably thrilling my…

Icons of Arlington

I've started a documentary photography project about my hometown. (Okay, it's just a glamorized blog, but whatever.) I just uploaded the first post. Take a look if you'd like. The…

Living Independently After Maria

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 15.3% of Puerto Rico residents under 65 have a disability, a rate higher than anywhere on the mainland. About a third of those people,…

Photo a Day: Fifties Diner

Past midnight on a long, exhausted drive back from Central MA after a shoot for my LGBTQ+ tattoo photo essay, I stopped at the Fifties Diner in Chicopee.

Photo Essay: LGBTattoo

LGBTattoo: Connecting to community and identity through body art I did this semester-long project for Gary Knight's class Advanced Documentary Practice, the second half of PNDP, during my last spring…

PNDP Final Project: Hair

The end of Program for Narrative and Documentary Practice last semester culminated in a multi-week project about a subject of our choice. I chose hair, and started calling at barber…

PNDP: Forest & Road

Here's PNDP assignment #8: to shoot 6 pictures of highways and 6 pictures of the woods. I chose to do graphically matched pairs of photos to compare the two settings.…

PNDP – Sports II

Here’s PNDP assignment #6: go to another game by the same team as the previous assignment, and shoot away from the action. The writing assignment was a poem made out…