Icons of Arlington: Fido Fest

Icons of Arlington: Fido Fest

A warm summer night on Spy Pond Field. A pink sunset. Popcorn. Bubbles. Lots and lots of dogs. And lots and lots of dog videos on the big screen. It…

Icons of Arlington: Porchfest

I've lived in Arlington for years, yet somehow have never been to Arlington Porchfest. I finally went. It's pretty nice. More photos and a write-up on Icons of Arlington.

Icons of Arlington: Crusher Lot

After a little break I'm back with a new post for Icons of Arlington! I was homeschooled, so I've actually never set foot in Ottoson, but I've spent some time…

Icons of Arlington: Little Fox Shop

11 years ago, two women opened a nonprofit resale shop in the Fox branch of the Arlington Library. After an unexpected closure last summer, they re-opened it last week. Read…

Icons of Arlington: War Memorials

Arlington is all about placing large carved stones around to commemorate various events and people, mostly related to war. The majority of them are for the Revolutionary War, but the…

Icons of Arlington

I've started a documentary photography project about my hometown. (Okay, it's just a glamorized blog, but whatever.) I just uploaded the first post. Take a look if you'd like. The…

Photo a Day: Last Day at ACMi

For the last day of my summer internship at ACMi, we replicated a scene from Back to the Future for a crowdsourced remake of that movie.

ACMi Fidofest Dog Film Festival 2017

Earlier this year, ACMi and A-DOG (Arlington Dog Owners Group) put on Arlington's first ever dog film festival. I helped edit together the submissions and staffed the festival, which they…