COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Photos, Week 6

COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Photos, Week 6

Yes, another week has gone by already. Just as I suggested in my zine about coping with cabin fever, and as I suspected might happen for me, I’ve become preoccupied with my houseplants. I’ve been spending a lot of time looking at them, trying to figure out what they need, and watching the heartleaf philodendron…

COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Photos, Week 5

COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Photos, Week 5

My phrase for this week has been “Time is fake.” It sure does feel that way. I’ve seen a lot of people posting that March felt like it lasted much more than a month and April felt like it lasted much less. That’s been my experience too. I did not take a lot of pictures…

COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Photos, Week 4

COVID-19 Self-Quarantine Photos, Week 4

We’ve been doing this for a month now, apparently. I find myself overly stressed about the few obligations I still have, even though they’re all no big deal. I bet a lot of you feel the same. We’re all in crisis mode to some extent, and our bodies don’t know how to differentiate between stressors…

Icons of Arlington: Plarn Art Project

Icons of Arlington: Plarn Art Project

New post on Icons of Arlington! This one’s about the Plarning Brigade, a group of Arlingtonians who are making an installation out of repurposed plastic bags under the guidance of ACAC artist-in-residence Michelle Lougee. The project is ongoing and has regular workshops, so if you’re local and you like crochet and finding novel uses for…

Dark-Eyed Juncos and House Sparrows

Dark-Eyed Juncos and House Sparrows

My mom maintains a number of bird feeders, which attract the local wildlife. We get a lot of squirrels, but also a lot of dark-eyed juncos and house sparrows. The juncos are the gray-and-dun ones who look like a half-dipped Easter egg, and the house sparrows are varying shades of brown. On the flashier end…

Icons of Arlington: Harvest Moon Fair

Icons of Arlington: Harvest Moon Fair

This past weekend I covered the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church’s super popular event the Harvest Moon Fair. We’re talking line out the door, can’t hear yourself think, elbow to elbow crowded.

Icons of Arlington: Open Studios

Icons of Arlington: Open Studios

I covered this year’s Arlington Open Studios for Icons of Arlington. It was cool getting to see the work of so many local artists and craftspeople! Check it out.

Icons of Arlington: Town Day

Icons of Arlington: Town Day

I covered Arlington’s annual Town Day for Icons of Arlington. It was just as colorful as I remembered it being when I was a kid. See all the photos here.