Freedom Massachusetts volunteer Leo poses for a portrait in the organization’s office.
Linebacker Greg Holt poses for a portrait on Zimman Field.
A customer wheels his groceries past the UFCW Local 1445/Massachusetts Jobs for Justice rally in support of Stop and Shop workers at the McGrath Highway supermarket.
A man walks across the beach in Parque, Puerto Rico.
Student athletes jump for the ball during a JV soccer game at Medford High School.
Tufts players try to get the ball back during Tufts’ 64-44 2nd round championship win against Husson at Cousens Gymnasium.
ACLU of Massachusetts workers and volunteers meet to canvass for the What a Difference a DA Makes campaign.
A worker puts the finishing touches on the mold for a concrete wall at the new Cental Energy Plant construction site.
Gavi Hahn tattoos shop assistant Callie’s leg at Lucky’s in Cambridge, MA.
Students groan as Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton loses another state during the 2016 Election Extravaganza event at the Campus Center.
State Senator Hariette Chandler poses for a portrait in the Massachusetts State House.
Herschelle and Nicole, plaintiffs in Committee for Public Counsel Services v. Attorney General, pose for a portrait on the steps of the Springfield, MA town hall.
ASL students sing a song during their graduation ceremony at the Movimiento de Vida Independiente office in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
A student athlete screams in pain during a JV soccer game at Medford High School.
Marian Wright Edelman speaks at a Moral Voices talk put on by the Tufts Hillel Organization at Cohen Auditorium.
Yoji Watanabe leads Tufts students in chants to support dining workers unionization.
A woman waits for her perm to set at the Jack and Jill hair salon in Lynn, MA.
A barber puts the finishing touches on a man’s haircut at Silvestro’s barber shop in Medford, MA.
Epee Grace Tellado fences against B.U. at the Tufts Multi-Meet in Cousens Gym.
A man skateboards at Lynch Family Skateboard Park in Boston, MA.