Some days you don’t get out. This was one of those days.
Some days you don’t get out. This was one of those days.
Here’s PNDP assignment #3: portraits of strangers. I biked to Medford Square for this one. Getting 12 images was hard. I’m kinda shy, and this was a lot of people to ask for portraits. It worked out in the end, though. These days Teresa spends a lot of time in physical therapy and a lot…
I’m nearly a year behind on my photo queue — these are from April 18, 2018. Breakfast for Dinner was always one of my favorite Tufts Dining events to shoot. Those crepes are great!
More archive photos from 2018: the March 14 women’s lacrosse game at Tufts vs Wellesley. I miss shooting sports for the Daily! I was far from an expert at it, but it was always a lot of fun.
Earlier this year, ACMi and A-DOG (Arlington Dog Owners Group) put on Arlington’s first ever dog film festival. I helped edit together the submissions and staffed the festival, which they held outdoors on a lovely summer night at a field by the Boys and Girls Club.
Safe Foods 2024 Aluminum foil, stone clay, Hershey’s kisses wrappers and plumes, found objects, cardstock, spray paint, acrylic paint, glass microbead paint inspired by David Seltzer, Sea Salt/Lemon Sage With celiac disease, every meal is a risk. Gluten hides everywhere, from restaurant griddles to soy sauce and licorice. Since my diagnosis, I’ve identified “safe foods” I…
One of my fellow interns, Erica, planned and executed a standup comedy show in the studio at ACMi. Here are some pictures I took during the setup. Tragically, I didn’t get any good photos of Erica herself.