My mom, Kimberley Harding, makes gorgeous woven baskets, mostly out of paper. I photographed some for her website. Check out her Pinterest for more of her baskets, plus some handmade clothing, fiber art, and more!

My mom, Kimberley Harding, makes gorgeous woven baskets, mostly out of paper. I photographed some for her website. Check out her Pinterest for more of her baskets, plus some handmade clothing, fiber art, and more!
Last semester I photographed a pancake-centric dinner for Tufts Dining. Click through to see the full-size pictures.
Here are some shots from last year’s Femme Show, “More is More.” The Femme Show is always a blast to photograph: by turns fun, raunchy, and thought-provoking. Sadly, I won’t be there this year, but you should get tickets if you’re going to be in the Boston area at the end of May!
I was the official behind the scenes photographer for the production of the Tufts Experimental College Director Howard Woolf’s film ‘Dust’ this summer. Here are some stills from day six. You can follow the film’s official Facebook page here. Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes posts — I took a lot of photos! Here are the behind-the-scenes photos for…
My newest post on Icons of Arlington is about Menotomy Rocks Park, a park I spent a lot of time in as a kid. I learned a lot about the park’s history, both ancient geologic and recent community history, while I was researching for this one. Content warning for non-graphic discussion of suicide in the…
More archive photos from 2018: the March 14 women’s lacrosse game at Tufts vs Wellesley. I miss shooting sports for the Daily! I was far from an expert at it, but it was always a lot of fun.
I ought to stop titling these posts Photo a Day, since I’m certainly not taking at least one photo per day right now. Oh well. here’s a picture I took on a bike ride back from my ‘winternship’ at WBUR this past January. After a few frustrating days commuting with public transportation and rideshares and…